The French NGI, France-Grilles, offers a DIRAC service to the biomed VO. This is the recommended solution to access computing resources of the VO.
DIRAC provides a pilot-job execution mechanism. You may be interested in using it in case:
To get started, read the usage instructions.
On-going discussion about the adoption of DIRAC in the VO.
CVMFS is a convenient alternative to the VO software area (VO_BIOMED_SW_DIR): with CVMFS, VO software is deployed in one place only and is automatically replicated and made available through a mount point to all worker nodes that support the service.
RAL Tier-1 UK now hosts a CVMFS stratum 0 repository for biomed. As of today, half of the grid sites supporting biomed have the CVMFS client configured for biomed. Computing elements are identified with tag VO-biomed-CVMFS. On their worker nodes, the CVMFS biomed repository is accessed at either /cvmfs/
or /cvmfs/
. Path /cvmfs/
is planned for retirement. In time, the replacement should take over. So far however, jobs should check which path actually exists on the Worker Nodes where they land.
1. You first need to deploy your files on CVMFS. To do this, you need to contact Catalin Condurache ( and send him your DN so that he gives you access to the repository. Don't forget to mention you are a biomed user.
2. Once validated, you shall be allowed to connect to server create a proxy certificate (voms-proxy-init --voms biomed), then:
$ gsissh -p 1975
CD to cvmfs_repo (link to /cvmfs-mirror/, create your own folder, then deploy your files (gsiscp)
3. Once files are replicated (a matter of hours), submit grid jobs at Computing Elements where CVMFS client is configured for biomed, using VO software tag VO-biomed-CVMFS:
Requirements = Member("VO-biomed-CVMFS", other.GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment)
Files are accessed in mount point /cvmfs/
or /cvmfs/
: the job needs to check which one actually exists.
There are 3 kinds of sites : (i) sites not supporting CVMFS at all, (ii) sites supporting CVMFS for some VOs, but not biomed, and (iii) sites supporting CVMFS for biomed. Getting from (ii) to (iii) is supposed to be relatively simple, since it only requires a change in the CVMFS configuration from the sites admins.
The biomed support team has run a lobbying campaign on sites from the second category mostly. We had many positive answers, as of today the service is provided to biomed by 44 sites, accounting for 66 CEs an 110 CE queues.
Contact the biomed technical support team if you would like specific sites to provide biomed with CVMFS.
CVMFS space is public, anyone can access it => do not deploy sensitive material.
Copyrighted software is not not acceptable, unless you have a (unlikely proper) license that would potentially apply to any biomed user.
Uploading big files may hamper CVMFS performances: big files are likely not to be cached on local Squids, therefore they'd be downloaded from Stratum-1 each time they are needed. If uploaded files are tarballs, it is strongly recommended that they be extracted locally on the repository.
A VirtualBox image containing a fully functional EMI2 user interface running CentOS 6 is available for testing.
The EMI2 VirtualBox image is available on the biomed LFC. Assuming that your VirtualBox VM directory is at ${HOME}/VirtualBox\ VMs:
cd ${HOME}/VirtualBox\ VMs lcg-cp lfn:/grid/biomed/emi2-ui-biomed.tgz file:emi2-ui-biomed.tgz tar zxvf emi2-ui-biomed.tgz
You should now have a "EMI2 UI - biomed" image in your VirtualBox.
You can login as user "biomed", with password "biomed". The root password is "biomed2012".
You will have to install your own biomed grid credentials. The following commands have been tested:
voms-proxy-init -voms biomed lfc-* lcg-cr, lcg-cp, lcg-del glite-wms-job-submit glite-wms-job-status glite-wms-job-logging-info glite-wms-job-output (you will have to create /tmp/jobOutput if used with no option)
A sample JDL file is available in ${HOME}/hello.jdl
For installing a UI, here are some configuration parameters you will need for accessing the biomed VO services:
[ NSAddresses = {""}; LBAddresses = [[Template:""]]; WMProxyEndPoints = {""}; OutputStorage = "/tmp/jobOutput"; JdlDefaultAttributes = [ RetryCount = 3; rank = - other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime; PerusalFileEnable = false; AllowZippedISB = true; requirements = other.GlueCEStateStatus == "Production"; ShallowRetryCount = 10; SignificantAttributes = {"Requirements", "Rank", "FuzzyRank"}; MyProxyServer = ""; ]; ]
[ NSAddresses = {""}; LBAddresses = [[Template:""]]; WMProxyEndPoints = {""}; OutputStorage = "/tmp/jobOutput"; JdlDefaultAttributes = [ RetryCount = 3; rank = - other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime; PerusalFileEnable = false; AllowZippedISB = true; requirements = other.GlueCEStateStatus == "Production"; ShallowRetryCount = 10; SignificantAttributes = {"Requirements", "Rank", "FuzzyRank"}; MyProxyServer = ""; ]; ]
"biomed" "" "15000" "/O=GRID-FR/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=CC-IN2P3/" "biomed" "24"
When using YAIM for configuring an UI, you can use the following in your site-info.def configuration file:
Some /etc/profile.d scripts can be useful to set some user variable used by some tools (e.g. lfc-ls(1)):
echo 'export LFC_HOST=""' > /etc/profile.d/ echo 'setenv LFC_HOST ""' > /etc/profile.d/lfc-host.csh chmod +x /etc/profile.d/lfc-host.*
yum install denyhosts service denyhosts start chkconfig --level 2345 denyhosts on
yum update